The Blogger blog of Aaron B. Pryor.

March 05, 2002

Last night, I made what was possibly the most yummy lasagna that has ever been created in the universe. It was a test project. I'm having the fam over to the big house Friday for lasagna. Some of the housemates are traveling, so I decided that this would be a great week to go nutzo in the kitchen. And I've been dying to teach myself how to make a good lasagna. However, it's never wise to spring your first attempt on guests. So, I guess I'll be living on lasagna for the next few days. A tip: The non-boil noodles are fantastic. Just throw them in and they do all the werk. No muss no fuss. I made a few mistakes, but that's why I have the practice batch. The batch I pull out of the oven on Friday is going to be killah. In other breaking news: I'm going to Las Vegas on Sunday. I'm a little nervous about the whole damned thing, starting with the question of whether or not I will be capable of getting my ass out of bed when I'm required to in order to make my plane and ending with the question of whether or not some whackos will try to fly my airplane into the side of a building. But I have to go. It's bidness. I will, by the way, be able to blog from there. One of the advantage of using Blogger is that I don't have to rely on having FTP software to do what I gotta do. And, I am in charge of the Cyber View Café, so I'll be sitting in front of a compyooter pretty much all day. Yep, I'll blog from Vegas, baby.

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