The Blogger blog of Aaron B. Pryor.

March 14, 2002

Friends, you haven't lived until you've had the opportunity to eat something called "fried goat cheese cakes." This is, I think, perhaps, the world's most perfect food. After all, it has goat cheese, and it's fried. Other unsolicited opinions from Gomorrah West: The world needs more men like James Carville, Tom Tomorrow, and, most of all, Bill Bradley. I know, I know. The man has a turkey neck and two first names. I saw him speak this morning, however, and I'm telling you, he is one of the clearest thinkers this nation has to offer today. His prescription for America: "...a pluralistic democracy and a growing economy that takes more and more people to higher ground." I told him so, too, as I got my picture snapped with him after his speech. "I think we need you in 2004, Mr. Bradley," said I. The giant man standing next to me didn't respond. I think he had jetlag, and my bet is that the little blue dot from the flash was still hovering for him.


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Rochester, NY, United States