The Blogger blog of Aaron B. Pryor.

October 19, 2005

It's Geena...not Gina

From a friend, regarding Commander In Chief
I believe you called Geena Davis's new show a lumpy sugar turd because its writing is not up to WW level. "An Hour I'll Never Get Back." You didn't even spell the woman's name right. For once I wish you could look at the big picture. I like to think of things in terms of "The Cause." You are one of the people who can see the injustice in the democratic system when 56% of its citizens are denied access to the highest office? I would have sworn you were, but maybe I'm wrong. The show is by no means glaringly bad. It continues to dominate its timeslot, the reviews are rather good & its viewership is increasing. Yes, it is not as well made as the Sheen Show, but it is about a woman as the Chief Executive Officer. At the very very least, it serves to desensitize the public to the notion of a woman as Prez. It plants a wonderful seed. For the first time in history, there are two viable female candidates that are being seriously considered & a drama on TV that tries to show the possibility. Tabloids, news shows & talk shows are discussing the issue. It's not the content of the show, my friend, it is its concept that is important. It is not particularly well-done, but its message is loud & strong....& millions are watching. It represents the concept well. Despite its shortcomings, Donald fucking Sutherland is in it. They could have him balance on a giant ball in a tutu while juggling & he's still going to lend class, dignity & talent to the project. Geena ain't no slouch either, let her settle into this part. She's a member of MENSA....she'll work it out. Now, do you think your snippy little comments helped or hurt "The Cause"? The show helps it, you hurt the the math. I love reading your opinions & most often agree with them. When it came to this one, I wish you had just kept your mouth shut & sat there & looked pretty.

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